Monday, September 26, 2011

First Week In St. Charles

This is my first time blogging!! I decided to start this since we have moved so far away from friends and family. I felt this would be a great way to keep everyone up-to-date on what is going on with the Sellars family. it goes!!

We have moved into our new home in St. Charles and we LOVE it!! I would actually love it more if these boxes could unpack themselves! We have made some progress and will hopefully be finished by the time Daxton gets here. I have made some progress in his room, but there is still so much to do!

Karsten is loving his new school. It was a little rough the first day, but by the second day he was saying that it is "AWESOME!" That was a great relief to both me and Adam. He's making new friends and learning new things. He is disappointed with the lunch there. Can you believe they serve food on plastic plates instead of trays?? AND you only get to pick one side! He cracks me up! He does get a longer recess and the playground is HUGE! I love his priorities!

Adam is enjoying going to an office again. He says he is much more productive. This makes me happy because when he gets home, he actually is home and not trying to finish a report or do research for the next visit he has to make. I've heard that when you work from home you never get to really leave work. That was definitely what he did before. I'm loving it now!!

I have been trying to slowly unpack. It isn't easy because we don't have a place to put all the things we have! In our old house we had lots of shelves and cabinets in the kitchen and living room, however here we have very little! I'm trying to convince Adam that we need a TV stand ASAP so I can at least put up the dvd's and some decorations (the mantle above the fireplace can only hold so much!). I am also trying to get him to build some book shelves in the office so I can put up all of our books. Between the two of us we have plenty!! There is a great area to add the shelves too! Now, if we could just get a couple of free weekends...

Daxton seems to be growing perfectly! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I'm not sure what to expect because I'm meeting my new doctor for the first time. I hope I like her! It's a little late to have to find another one! I will be 31 weeks tomorrow and I'm beginning to feel it- between waking up in the middle of the night for frequent trips to the restroom, the aching back, and being tired all the time again! Daxton has really been dancing on my bladder lately!! He has been sitting so low through the entire pregnancy, and now he is getting heavier!! It was bound to happen. I'm loving it though. The joy I get from feeling him move is unexplainable. I can't wait to hold him in my arms! I'm pretty sure I will miss feeling him move from the inside though. It may sound a little selfish, but during these times I am the only one who feels him all the time and I am enjoying having that special bond that only I can have with him right now. I always try to get Karsten and Adam to feel him, but it's just not the same. Also, they are both a little impatient at times. Dax can be a little shy when others try to feel him move and it takes a while for him to move for them sometimes. Hopefully I get another ultrasound soon and I can post some pictures!

So, the boys and I have been able to enjoy some perks to being in a bigger city already! This past Friday we went to Oktoberfest here in St. Charles. Karsten was loving the music and dancing, and Adam loved trying a new beer. Karsten of course loved dancing in front of everyone and showing off his dance moves! It's always fun to watch him, as well as the people who are watching him. He always entertains!

He continued his dancing the next night at his Uncle Heath's wedding. It was amazing how many ladies he attracted with his dance moves! He was showing off the things he has learned from TV as well as the moves Adam and I have taught him. One girl asked him if he new the "sprinkler", of course he instantly busted out the moves and then continued with the "shopping cart", "lawn mower" and the robot. As I was watching and laughing, I began to realize that this may be a glimpse into his future! I hope he continues to be carefree, but I'm not so sure I want all the GIRLS to give him so much attention. I guess that's what moms are suppose to do though. I'm sure he'll be just fine!

I guess that is all the updating for now! Hopefully I'll have some pictures next time!
