Monday, February 27, 2012

Mardi Gras!!

We recently went to Norman for Mardi Gras weekend!! This involves us being in the parade throwing beads, bouncy balls, tiara's, wands and anything else that Adam's dad has gotten for us. This is his favorite time of year!! This year he really out did himself on the float. He had an idea and made it come to life! He and Joanne did an AMAZING job!! We won the prize for best lights as well as the overall prize for the best float! It was well deserved! Have a look:

Just as a side note- every year we dress up in whatever theme we have going...however this year we had a free for all on the costume end!! Someone mentioned that if Rick was dressing as Barney then we could be whatever we wanted! The outcome: Barney (Richard), Dirty Bubbles Lady (Joanne), Fire victim (Adam), Snake Hunter (Melissa), Zeus (Karsten), Fairy (Me), a Gypsy (Trish) and Noah? Joseph?- you know I'm not quite sure what Brad was! Even Dax dressed up in his awesome hat that a friend (Shauna) got for him in Vietnam. He looked super cute! We all had an amazing time! It was the best year yet!!


We were able to stop and visit with the Harrison's and Courtney family on the way back home too. It was great to see everyone and show Dax off some more! They are such a wonderful family and we're so glad that our boys have them in their lives. Karsten was SO happy to see everyone, especially his Granny and Papa!! 

We have a few big things coming up this week. First of all on March 1st Dax will officially be 3 months old. How fast this time has gone by!! He has grown so much!! Then on March 3rd our Karsten will be 9 years old!! Wow!! I can't believe that the years have passed by so quickly!! It seems like just a short time ago I was meeting this wonderful family for the first time at Karsten's 4 year old birthday party. I can't believe it's been 5 years!! I have been so incredibly blessed to become part of this family. They have brought so much joy to my life!! I'll have to do another update next week with pictures of Karsten's birthday party!! He is SO excited!!

Also, we've had some hard times on my side of the family over the past year and I want to thank everyone who has had us in their prayers.  They have been such a helpful reminder of who is in control. Any time I get down I just think of all the blessings that I have had. It's hard to be sad when I have such an amazing baby and wonderful family. I once read that if your going to ask God "Why me?" during the hard times, then you should be sure to ask God "why me?" for every blessing in your life as well. I definitely try to thank him for every little blessing in my life, because there are SO many!!

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